Friday, October 18, 2024
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Alpine Club IUST organises One-Day Trekking Program at Wastoorwan Hills

Awantipora, May 14 (Scoop News)- The Directorate of Physical Education and Sports, Islamic University of Science and Technology organized a one-day trekking program at Wastoorwan Hills, aiming to promote adventure, physical fitness, and camaraderie among participants.
The trekking group was flagged off by Registrar, Dr. Waseem Bari in presence of university officials including Finance Officer who highlighted how such activities foster teamwork, leadership, resilience, and self-reliance. Dr. Hilal Ahmad Rather, Assistant Director of the Directorate of Physical Education and Sports, emphasized the university's commitment to environmental education and the opportunities these programs provide for students and faculty to connect with nature, challenge themselves, and create lasting memories.
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