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POJKLF condemns Pakistan’s brutality on peaceful protesters protesters in POJK
Urges UNHRC for immediate action against Pakistani brutality in the occupied territory

Jammu, May 15 (Scoop News)-The Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (POJKLF) vehemently condemned the recent incident of brutal use of force by Pakistani Rangers against peaceful protesters in Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (POJK) while killing at least 13 innocent people.

In a statement issued Pritam Lal Sharma convenor POJKLF said, this excessive and violent response to a democratic demonstration is an affront to human rights and an egregious violation of the fundamental freedoms of expression and assembly.

POJKLF Convenor while expressing his profound outrage and sorrow over the incident, called upon the United Nation Human Right Council (UNHRC) to take immediate cognisance of the matter and bring justice to the people of POJKLF who are bearing the brunt of Pakistani oppression.

"The use of brute force against civilians exercising their democratic right to protest is utterly unacceptable. This violent crackdown is a stark reminder of the oppressive tactics employed to silence the voices of the people of POJK. We demand an immediate cessation of these repressive actions and call for the release of all detained individuals."

Pertinently, thousands of residents of POJK yesterday took to the streets to peacefully demand their rights and voice their grievances against systemic injustices and neglect by the authorities. In a shocking display of state repression, Pakistani Rangers used disproportionate force, including tear gas, rubber bullets, and physical violence, to disperse the unarmed protesters. Numerous reports indicate that many demonstrators were injured, some critically, and several were unjustly detained.

The POJKLF calls on the international community, human rights organizations, and global leaders to take urgent notice of the situation in POJK and to exert pressure on the Pakistani government to uphold human rights and democratic principles. The organization also urges an independent investigation into the events of May 14 to ensure accountability for those responsible for the violence against peaceful protesters.

"The people of POJK have the right to live in dignity and peace, free from fear and repression," added Sharma. "We stand in solidarity with the brave individuals who have risked their lives to demand justice and we will continue to advocate for their rights on every available platform."

In recent times, reports have surfaced detailing harrowing accounts of human rights violations, including arbitrary arrests, extrajudicial killings, and forced disappearances, inflicted upon the peace-loving people of POJK. These reprehensible actions, carried out by Pakistani authorities, represent a blatant disregard for the fundamental rights and dignity of the individuals residing in the region.

The POJKLF reaffirms its commitment to a peaceful and democratic resolution of the issues facing the people of Jammu and Kashmir and will not rest until justice and freedom are secured for all, he concluded.
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