Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Justice Tashi Rabstan visits Old Age Home at MIMC

Leh, May 15 (Scoop News)- Hon'ble Justice Tashi Rabstan senior most Judge of the Hon'ble High Court of J&K and Ladakh, Administrative Judge for District Leh, Chairman Mediation and Conciliation Committee High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh and Chairman Building Infrastructure Committee for Sub-Ordinate Courts of UT Ladakh on the last day of his 3 day visit to District Leh visited the Old Age Home at Mahabodhi Leh where an interactive session with the senior citizens was organized by District Legal Services Authority (DLSA), Leh.

On the occasion Justice Tashi Rabstan was accorded a warm welcome by the founder of Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre (MIMC) Ven Sanga Sena and other monks and officials of the center.

Present on the occasion were Member Secretary LLSA and Principal District and Sessions Judge Leh, Spalzes Angmo, Secretary DLSA Leh/ Special Mobile Magistrate Leh, Phuntsog Angmo, Munsiff Nubra, Chemit Yurgyal, Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel, Nima Stanzin, Panel Lawyers and PLVs.

During interaction the senior citizens expressed their happiness on the visit of Justice Tashi Rabstan and appreciated Ven Sanga Sena and the entire staff of MIMC.

Speaking on the occasion, Justice Tashi Rabstan mentioned that he was one of the founding members of MIMC and he always wanted to visit the Old Age Home and expressed his happiness over the said visit.

Ven Sanga Sena in his address spoke about the various activities and projects under going at MIMC and expressed his gratitude to the Justice for his kind visit.

Member Secretary LLSA and Principal District and Sessions Judge, Leh, Splazes Angmo also expressed her views during the programme
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