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DEO/DM chairs Zonal, sector Magistrates and police officers meeting in Kargil

Kargil,May 18 (Scoop News)- To ensure smooth conduct of Lok Sabha Election in the district, a meeting cum training program was organized on Friday for Zonal, sector Magistrates and police officers at Auditorium Hall, Kargil.

The meeting/training session was presided over by Deputy Commissioner/District Election Officer (DEO), Kargil, Shrikant Suse.

Speaking on the occasion, the DEO stressed on the officers to take their responsibility with utmost care and seriousness and stay proactive on the ground to ensure free, fair and smooth election process in the district during Lok Sabha Election.

The DEO sensitized the officers about their crucial role and responsibilities under the guidelines of the Election Commission of India.He directed all concerned officers to ensure strict compliance of various norms related to EVM Handling,poll day reporting, security measures as well as measures to ensure voter identification and their entry in polling stations as per norms of ECI.

The officers were also directed to ensure reporting of voter turnout on polling day well within the given timelines.

At all critical polling stations webcasting is being done as well as CCTV monitoring, video recording shall be ensured as per norms. Micro observers shall be deployed at all these polling stations to observe poll process.

On the occasion, SSP Kargil, Shree Ram R IPS passed on general instructions to the Sector/Zonal Magistrates and police officers regarding deployment of CAPF, role of Police as well as proactive handling of Law and order by all magistrates and police officers on poll day.

While speaking on the occasion, ADC Kargil, Suhail Ahmad also briefed about the responsibilities and authorities of Sector/Zonal Magistrates such as poll eve responsibility, poll day responsibility and post poll responsibility.

DIO NIC Kargil, Iftikhar Hussain spoke about the PAMS software and its usage during the election by the Sector/Zonal Magistrates for reporting of poll day event.

Meanwhile, the District Level Master Trainer gave detailed orientation to Sector and Zonal Magistrates regarding use of EVMs and VVPATs.

SSP Kargil, Shree Raam R; ASP Kargil, Nitin Yadav; ADC Kargil Suhail Ahmed; DDEO; SDMs; Zonal/Sector Magistrates; Nodal Officers; Police Nodal Officers; Assistant Director, DIPR Kargil; DIO NIC Kargil; FST, SST heads and other concerned officers and officials attended the meeting/training program.

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