Friday, March 14, 2025
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KVK Samba organises One Day Workshop on Bamboo Cultivation
Samba, May 20 (Scoop News)-Krishi Vigyan Samba organized one day workshop on “Bamboo Cultivation and its utilization” at its campus here today. The programme was attended by Twenty one officers of Department of Agriculture from different Panchayats of District Samba.

Prof Sanjay Khajuria, Chief Scientist and Head KVK Samba coordinated the program held under the leadership of Professor Prof. B.N. Tripathi, Vice Chancellor, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Jammu and under the guidance of Dr. Amrish Vaid, Director Extension.

The main objective of organizing this workshop was to promote Bamboo Cultivation in the Kandi belt of Samba for the livelihood security of the farmers. During the workshop, Dr. Khajuria explained in detail the importance of Bamboo, its cultivation, utilization as well as promotion in Samba District. He suggested to adopt Bamboo based agro forestry for sustainable development of waste lands.

Initially, Dr. Khajuria gave a brief outline of utilization of waste lands through Bamboo based agro-forestry Interventions and utilization of waste lands in Samba shivaliks for the upliftment of the rural farmers. He stressed upon the field functionaries to chalk -out a comprehensive plan for the Bamboo based agroforestry Interventions in kandi zones of Samba for benefit of the farmers as well as to save the soil from erosion, over grazing, deforestation etc, because bamboo can grow on otherwise marginal land, bamboo can be profitably cultivated in many degraded lands. Moreover, because of the rapid growth, bamboo is an effective climate change mitigation and carbon sequestration crop, absorbing between 100 and 400 tonnes of carbon per hectare. It is pertinent to mention here that KVK Samba is keenly involved in promotion of Bamboo cultivation in District Samba from last few years.

Bamboo is harvested from both cultivated and wild stands, and utilized in making baskets, handfans, and other purposes in District Samba. Bamboo is typically harvested as a source material for construction, food, crafts and other manufactured goods also.

The workshop was also witnessed by Dr. A.K. Sinha, Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma, Dr. Shalini and Dr. Amit Mahajan. At the end, vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Abhay Kumar Sinha

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