Sunday, September 8, 2024
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DDC Ramban inspects restoration work land subsidence hit Pernote area
Ramban,May 21 (Scoop News)- Deputy Commissioner Ramban Baseer-Ul-Haq Chaudhary today inspected the ongoing restoration work on the damaged Ramban-Gool Road and other affected public utilities and power supply infrastructure in the land subsidence hit Pernote area.

Accompanied by Additional Deputy Commissioner, Varunjeet Singh Charak, OC 52 RCC SK Gautam and other officers and locals including public representatives, the Deputy Commissioner assessed the progress of the restoration work on the 400KV Kishanpur-Wanpoh Power Transmission Line and the Ramban-Gool Road connectivity.

The OC 52 RCC briefed the Deputy Commissioner about the ongoing road restoration efforts and informed that the Gool-Ramban road will be made traffic-worthy within a week providing much needed relief to the public.

During the inspection, the Deputy Commissioner issued on-the-spot directions to the officers to accelerate the restoration work to facilitate the people. He emphasized the urgency of the situation and the need for swift action to restore normalcy.

Meanwhile, several individuals and deputations met with the Deputy Commissioner to discuss their issues and demands. The Deputy Commissioner listened attentively and issued directives to the officers for the early redressal of their concerns.

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