Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Delegation of Godrej Industries Group calls on Lt Governor

Srinagar, May 21 (Scoop News)- A delegation of Godrej Industries Group led by Sh Burjis Godrej, Executive Director, Godrej Agrovet Ltd. met Lieutenant Governor Shri Manoj Sinha at Raj Bhawan today.

The delegation discussed with the Lt Governor the existing investments and the further expansion of their business ventures in the UT of J&K.

The representatives of Godrej Industries Group also agreed to explore opportunities benefitting the overall farming ecosystem in J&K.

Sh Rakesh Swami, Group President, Corporate Affairs; Sh Ramaswamy Iyer, General Manager-PSO and Ms Mishika Nayyar, Regional Manager Corporate Affairs Lead were also present during the meeting.

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