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BJP OBC Morcha,JK UT condemns religion based reservation by West Bengal Govt

Jammu, May 23 (Scoop News)- Sunil Prajapati President BJP OBC Morcha held a press conference and condemned the West Bengal Govt decision of 2011 regarding grant of reservation on the basis of religion to the Minority community diluting OBC quota, which is against the spirit of Article 15(4) and 16(4) of the Constitution as well as the Recommendations of Mandal Commission and the Supreme Court Judgement of 1992 regarding OBC Reservation.

The High Court of West Bengal, Calcutta, in its judgment has considered the reservation granted to 118 castes of Muslim out of OBC quota as illegal and unconstitutional and accordingly ordered to cancel all OBC certificates issued during 2010 onwards. The West Bengal TMC Govt had granted reservation to the Minority community people unconstitutionally as the OBC reservation is meant for the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes as recommended by the Mandal Commission and not on the religion based. It was a great conspiracy to attract the Muslim vote bank under appeasement politics as well as to snatched the constitutional rights of the OBC Category people.

Sunil Prajapati expressed great concern that 5 Lakhs OBC certificates were issued illegally to the Muslims including Rohingyas and Bangladeshies who entered into India illegally and settled in the West Bengal, who otherwise not entitled to Reservation. The West Bengal Govt has very cunningly has attracted Muslim vote Bank deceiving the real contender of the OBC Reservation. But the West Bengal Govt violated all the constitutional provision and provided reservation to Muslims on the basis of Religion to attract Muslim Bank in a view to remain in power through unconstitutional reservation, which the Country will never accept. It is matter of great concern the Calcutta High Court has order to cancel 5 Lakh OBC certificate due to illegality.

All other who were present in the press conference were Suresh Salgotra, Vice President OBC Morch, Raj Kumar Tarkhan, General Secretary OBC Morcha, Ashok Verma, Secretary OBC Morcha and Jai Kishan Distt General Secretary, OBC Border District.
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