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Varied educational activities held at LHS Bhalla in collaboration with Vishwagram Club
Doda,May 23 (Scoop News)- Different educational Activities were today conducted at LHS Bhalla (Zone Bhalla) in collaboration with "Vishwagram Trust Gujarat" under the guidance of District Development Commissioner Harvinder Singh and Chief Education Officer Parkash Lal Thapa.

Eight team members of Vishwagram Trust visited the said institution. The volunteers of Vishwagram trust Miss Mansi Jagdish Ahir, Jagdish N Ahir, Noval Bhavasar, Ilyas Mansuri, Khatoon Bhen Mansori, Akshayia Ramakrishnan, Hardik Prajapati and Jyoti were part of the team.

The activities like origami, card making, painting art, singing, Charkha, games and some science activities were conducted for the benefit of students.

More than one hundred twenty students participated in today's program. The students were excited and showed keen interest during the activities.

The said program was coordinated by Vinkal sharma (ZICC Bhalla) and Ankita Kotwal (Cultural incharge GHSS Dradhu).

The HOI and staff of LHS Bhalla provided all possible support and cooperation for successful completion of the event.

All students and staff of LHS Bhalla thanked District Development Commissioner Doda and Chief Education Officer Doda for providing such opportunities. As they believe such programs are very important for the overall development of the child. It will help them enhance their critical thinking, creativity, cognitive skills etc.

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