Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Indian Army and Flag Foundation of India unveils new iconic Flag Mast at Kaman Post

Srinagar, May 23 (Scoop News)-The Indian Army and Flag Foundation of India proudly dedicate a 108ft High Mast National Flag to the citizens of Uri, symbolising national pride and unity at the Line of Control. This momentous event took place on 23 May 2024, at Kaman Post, Uri, and was graced by officials from Indian Army, Civil administration, members of the Foundation, community leaders, school children and tourists.
The flag mast, standing tall at 108 ft, is a testament to India’s rich heritage and the enduring spirit of its people. This new addition to the impressive KAMAN POST not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the area but also is a testimony to sacrosanct values and ideals that the Indian tricolour represents.
The overwhelming participation by citizens reinforces the positive propagation and actualisation of ethos vital for nation-building.

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