Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Police destroy Poppy cultivation in Baramulla

Srinagar, May 28 (Scoop News)- As a part of persistent efforts to curb the menace of drugs in the society, Police along with civil administration launched a special drive against illegal cultivation of Poppy in villages Gund Khawaja Qasim Pattan, Watergam Kreeri and Warpora Tangmarg.

The individuals who were found involved in cultivation of poppy have been identified as Mohammad Ramzan Dar son of Gh Mustafa resident of G K Qasim Pattan, Manzoor Ahmad Rather son of Ab Hameed, Ab Gani Tantray son of Mohammad Ramzan, Mohd Yousuf Pala son of Ab Jafar, Gh Hussain Rather son of Gh Hassan & Mohd Zaman Rather son of Gh Hassan, all residents of Watergam Kreeri and Gh Mohammad Bhat son of Ab Gaffar Bhat resident of Warpora Tangmarg.

Accordingly, cases vide FIR Nos. 181/2024, 68/2024 & 55/2024 under relevant sections of law have been registered at PS Pattan, PS Kreeri & PS Tangmarg and investigations have been initiated.

General public have appreciated the action of the J&K Police and has urged to continue this drive in other areas also. J&K Police appeals to the public to extend their cooperation in this drive against drug abuse.

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