Friday, October 18, 2024
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Police organise seminars on drug abuse in Pulwama

Srinagar, May 29 (Scoop News)-In continuation of its efforts to eradicate the menace of drugs from the society, Police in Pulwama have organised awareness programmes on prevention of drug addiction at GHSS Drubgam and GHSS Achan.

The aim of these programmes is to empower students to say no to drugs and create awareness of substance abuse by helping them to channelize their energies into creative pursuits.

While speaking on the occasion, the chairing officers highlighted the need to protect our young generation from the drug menace. They explained that drug abuse poses a serious challenge to our society and urged upon participants to act vibrantly against this menace. Further, they also stressed upon the parents to closely monitor their children and urged them to help their wards choose different career avenues.

Besides, they added that the eradication of drug menace from the society, public cooperation is necessary and stressed upon the participants to share all such information related to drug addicts as well as drug peddling in their respective areas so that police can act swiftly.

The participants thanked Pulwama Police for organising such awareness programmes.

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