Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Return of Kashmiri Pandits
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Return of Kashmiri Pandits
Apropos the Op Ed ‘Indifference towards KPs return’ (DE, May 31). the author, Shri K K Khosa, is the President of Kashmiri Pandit Sabha, Amphalla, and one among the senior and respected leaders of KP community. His views are based on his close association with the exiled community, their problems and expectations; and he has been giving expression to these regularly ever since the exodus of the community.
The point he has tried to make in the exposition is that while the exiled community did not expect a solution of their problem by the Congress government, the NDA government --- now going to be in power for the third term ---, also turned a blind eye to their return and restitution in the place of their birth.

He has conveyed a sentiment of appreciation of the exiled community for many achievements of the NDA government. He has rightly appreciated the much valuable developmental works undertaken by the Union and local governments to bring affluence to the people in the valley who suffer militancy, brute force, massacre, kidnapping and many more atrocities while demonstrating Kashmiriyyat meaning Kashmiri hospitality to the intruders.

The inference one draws from his very upright statement is that KPs deserve castigatory treatment for their numerical insignificance in Indian vote-bank style democracy. Moreover, being part of India’s religious majority, they have no grievances, whatsoever, in the Ram Raj of NDA that need to be ameliorated. J&K Constitution does not recognize any group as religios or other minority.
On the other hand, Kashmir valley population being part of the Indian religious minority, has suffered oppression and suppression for decades by local and central governments in post-freedom era,, have to be taken care of precisely in the spirit in which previous Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh had profiled them. What a fine secular government NDA is that it has faithfully adopted and executed the agenda which Congress leadership had cherished for the national religious minority in this country.

In NDA’s impending third consecutive stint in office, the exiled community must expect far greater “secular” treatment under the aegis of Sanatan philosophy of NDA-RSS combine.
K N Pandita

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