Sunday, September 8, 2024
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ADGP Jammu Announces Promotions for Police Personnel

Jammu, June 08 (Scoop News)-The Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), Jammu Zone, Shri Anand Jain, IPS, has announced the promotion of several police personnel. The promotions include the elevation of one Head Constable to the rank of Assistant Sub Inspector, 86 Selection Grade Constables to Head Constables, and one Constable to Selection Grade Constable.

This marks the second Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) under the chairmanship of ADGP Jammu Zone. In his congratulatory message, ADGP Jammu Shri Anand Jain, IPS commended the promoted officers and their families for their dedication and service. He expressed his hope that these promotions will inspire the officers to continue their work with increased zeal, enthusiasm, and professionalism.

ADGP Jammu Shri Anand Jain, IPS, emphasized the importance of dedication to duty, urging the newly promoted officers to continue serving the community with the highest standards of commitment and integrity.
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