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Alok Kumar inaugurates Capacity Building workshop for PM Shri Scheme
Srinagar, June 10 (Scoop News)- Principal Secretary, School Education Department, Alok Kumar, today inaugurated a three day capacity building workshop for resource persons and stakeholders.

The workshop is part of the PM Shri Scheme (PM Schools for Rising India) aimed at elevating the standard of education in the region.

In his inaugural address, Alok Kumar emphasized the pivotal role of PM Shri schools in becoming beacons of excellence and hope for the education system in Jammu and Kashmir. He said that the scheme's fundamental objective is to augment the quality of education by fostering an environment that nurtures creativity, critical thinking and holistic development among students.

Alok Kumar expressed optimism that the training workshop would comprehensively address all essential aspects, drawing insights from experienced resource persons who will impart knowledge to our master trainers. He emphasized the collective opportunity to cultivate a conducive academic environment not only in J&K but throughout the nation.

Prior to the inauguration, Rakesh Magotra, Project Director Smagra Ahuksha J&K, shed light on the significant interventions of PM Shri, highlighting the inclusion of 389 schools under the scheme.

Director School Education Kashmir, Tasaduq Hussain Mir, Director School Education Jammu, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Director SCERT J&K, Professor Prakshit Singh Manhas, along with teachers and master trainers from Ladakh and Delhi also participated in the event.

Several documentaries related to PM Shri and education sector were played besides Code Mitra was launched on the occasion.

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