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Dulloo visits Tulmulla to review arrangements for upcoming Mela Kheer Bhawani
Tulmulla,June 10 (Scoop News)- Chief Secretary Atal Dulloo visited Kheer Bhawani Temple Tulamulla this evening to conduct a thorough appraisal of the arrangements for the upcoming annual ‘Kheer Bhawani’ mela, set to be observed on June 14th.

Accompanied by Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Vijay Kumar Bidhuri, Inspector General of Police, VK Birdi; Deputy Inspector General, Deputy Commissioner Ganderbal, SSP Ganderbal, and other senior officers from Civil Administration and Police Department.

During his visit, the Chief Secretary inspected the facilities and identified any additional requirements to ensure a smooth and pleasant experience for the pilgrims. He emphasized the importance of close coordination among various departments to facilitate a seamless celebration of the festival.

The Chief Secretary was assured that comprehensive arrangements have been made which include transportation, accommodation, power, water, sanitation, medical aid, and security measures to provide a hassle-free experience for the devotees.

Regarding accommodation, the Chief Secretary was informed that that specific amenities for a comfortable night stay for pilgrims have been established both at the shrine and at the Central University Kashmir (CUK) besides, a langer facility will be available at both locations to serve the needs of the visitors.

The Chief Secretary expressed satisfaction with the preparations and directed officers to ensure that any remaining requirements are promptly addressed, reinforcing the commitment to providing a memorable and smooth experience for all devotees.
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