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Police along with Civil administration intensifies Market Checking in Kulgam

Srinagar,June 16 (Scoop News)- In order to keep a check on overpricing, profiteering and black marketing ahead of Eid, intensive market checking was carried out by Police along with Civil administration at various markets of District Kulgam including Main Town Kulgam, Manzgam, DH Pora, Malpora, Mirbazar to ensure all essential commodities are sold at Government approved rates and as per the quality standards.

The checking squads comprising of District Police Kulgam, Revenue administration of concerned areas carried out the checking.

During the checking, the team members checked rate lists, ensure hygienic environment and ensured that package commodities sold to consumers bears MRP, Package date, Net Content and other related information. The team also appealed to the general public to bring in to the notice of the administration, if they found anyone indulging in overcharging of essential commodities and promised immediate action.

Kulgam Police assures such inspections would be conducted on a regular basis and warned the traders of stern action if they are found indulging in illegal activities.

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