Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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JKBOSE refutes News Report

Jammu, June 26 (Scoop News)-JKBOSE has refuted the news report appearing in a section of press alleging that the Board is not renewing the affiliation of the Private schools and shifted the students of these schools to the Government Schools because of delayed affiliation. “The news item is causing misinformation which can cause widespread concern and anxiety among the school community, parents, students and educators. We would like to clarify and correct these claims, as they do not accurately reflect the current situation or the Board's policies,” the Board said

Firstly, it is essential to understand that the Board is committed to ensuring the highest standards of education and compliance with regulations across all affiliated schools. The process of affiliation is a standard online procedure that all schools have to maintain these standards.

The process of renewal of affiliation involves reviewing applications for adherence to the prescribed guidelines and educational standards. The guidelines include compliance to Building Safety, Fire Safety, Chemical Safety, traffic safety, Fee Fixation Committee approvals, Management Committee, requirement of land with NOC from Revenue Department and other such requisites. Board has not made a blanket decision to halt renewal of the affiliation. Instead, it is ensuring that all schools comply with updated regulations which have temporarily delayed the process for some institutions so that they could be given appropriate time to comply with the norms and prescribed guidelines.

Meeting of the Affiliation Committee is already scheduled to be held on 01.07.2024 and the renewal of affiliation cases of the institutions which meet the criteria are being placed before the Affiliation Committee for final approval. Although this meeting was earlier scheduled in the month of January was postponed due to some administrative reasons and due to the pre-occupation of the members. JKBOSE is maintaining open communication with all schools to address any concern and provide the necessary support for compliance. However, it is crucial to note that temporary delays should not be construed as outright rejections and the date of meeting has already been fixed for 1st of July, 2024 in which various schools shall be affiliated with J&K BOSE for the release of various Board related facilities.

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