Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Urgent Appeal for Modernization of Mendhar Sub Division Hospital Mortuary
Raqeeq Ahmed Khan Calls for Immediate Action on Post-Mortem Room Upgrade

Mendhar,July 10 (Scoop News)-The community of Mendhar Sub Division urgently calls on the district administration to prioritize the modernization of the mortuary/post mortem room at Mendhar Sub Division Hospital. Despite repeated requests from BMO Mendhar and CMO Poonch, the current facility, which is constructed with outdated stone works, remains in dire need of improvement to meet modern standards.

The existing structure fails to provide the necessary facilities and technology required for efficient and respectful post mortem procedures. The health professionals have persistently raised concerns, highlighting the urgent need for a new building equipped with modern technology. Unfortunately, their appeals have gone unheard by the district administration.

"We are grateful for the continuous efforts of BMO Mendhar and CMO Poonch, who have repeatedly advocated for the upgrading of this essential facility. However, the lack of response from the higher authorities is deeply concerning," Raqeeq Ahmed Khan said.
Raqeeq urges the district administration to take immediate action and submit a Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the construction of a new, state-of-the-art mortuary. This initiative should be treated as a top priority to ensure that the hospital can provide the highest standard of care and dignity for the deceased.
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