Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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District Social Welfare Office Leh organizes Seminar-Cum-Training for De-Addiction centre staff

Leh, July 10 (Scoop News)-The District Social Welfare Office, Leh, organized a one-day seminar-cum-training for the newly recruited staff at the District De-addiction Centre. The training aimed to equip the staff with knowledge and skills to combat drug addiction in the region.

Nilza Angmo, District Social Officer, Leh emphasised the need to understand the contextual aspect of the addiction problem in Leh. Pallavi Singh, Director, Jammu & Kashmir State Level Coordinating Agency (SLCA, ) Society for Promotion of Youth and Masses (SPYM) spoke about the role, and responsibilities, and also gave an overview of the functioning of a de-addiction centre.

Stanzin Legsmon, Narcotics Wing, Ladakh Police, discussed the legal aspects, while Urgain Angmo, Counsellor at SNM Hospital, shared insights into the current addiction scenario in Ladakh.

Additionally, President, Hotel Association, and Vice President, Merchant Association, interacted with staff on prevention, community engagement, and relapse factors.

The seminar aimed to enhance staff competence and foster collaboration with stakeholders to address the issue of drug addiction in Ladakh.
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