Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Vitamin D deficiency can become an obstacle in family planning

Dr. Chanchal Sharma

You all must be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of vitamin D. The most famous harmful effects of vitamin D deficiency on your body is weakening of bones. But you will be surprised to know that vitamin D deficiency can also shatter your dream of becoming a mother. Nowadays, the kind of lifestyle we are living, people are less exposed to direct sunlight. In such a situation, you are deprived of the natural source of vitamin D and there is a deficiency of vitamin D in the body. Its deficiency affects the fertility of both men and women. While women have problems in conceiving, it affects the quality of sperm in men.

In a conversation with Dr. Chanchal Sharma, Director and Gynecologist of Asha Ayurveda, she told that your dream of family planning can remain unfulfilled due to vitamin D deficiency. Such women have difficulty in becoming mothers naturally, but technology like IVF also does not have any effect on them. Women who have vitamin D deficiency have poorer egg quality than other women. A study has shown that women with vitamin D deficiency have difficulty in becoming mothers naturally and even with the use of any technique, the chances of such women becoming mothers are less.

Other problems caused by vitamin D deficiency

If women who are pregnant have a deficiency of vitamin D in their body, then they also have to face many problems. Pregnant women who are suffering from vitamin D deficiency are at a higher risk of having other diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes etc. as compared to women with normal vitamin D. Such women become internally weak, due to which the weight of the child also decreases and there is a risk of the child being born before the scheduled time.

Effects of vitamin D deficiency on male fertility

Men who have vitamin D deficiency have less fertility as compared to men with normal vitamin D. Such men have to face many difficulties in becoming fathers. The quality and motility of their sperm is affected by the deficiency of vitamin D. People who have a deficiency of vitamin D also have a deficiency of calcium in their body. Due to calcium deficiency, the motility of sperm decreases. Vitamin D deficiency can affect the fertility of any man and shatter his dream of family planning.

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