Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Revenue Department Udhampur organizes plantation drive at Devika Ghat
Udhampur,July 24 (Scoop News)-To mark the celebration of Van Mahotsav, the Revenue Department organized a plantation drive at Devika Ghat.

Deputy Commissioner Udhampur Saloni Rai, who was the chief guest, also took part in the plantation drive. The event saw the active participation of Additional Deputy Commissioner Joginder Singh Jasrotia and other officials.

Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Commissioner lauded the efforts of the Revenue Department in organizing the event and involving various stakeholders. She appealed to the local community, members of civil society, NGOs, and other stakeholders to come forward and participate in such plantation drives.

She emphasized that, given the adverse effects of climate change and the resulting weather-related disasters, planting more trees is crucial to protect humanity.

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