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Jammu Province Bachao Manch urges immediate restoration of J&K Statehood

Jammu, July 26 (Scoop News)- In a passionate plea to the Government of India, Mr. Ashok Sharma, chairman of the Jammu Province Bachao Manch and former MLA, has called for the urgent restoration of statehood to Jammu & Kashmir. Addressing a press conference today, Mr. Sharma emphasized the need to revive the historical prestige of the region, asserting that the current status as a Union Territory has inflicted severe hardships on its people.
Mr. Sharma condemned the reduction of Jammu & Kashmir from a state with special status to a Union Territory, divided into two parts, as a grave injustice. He described this move as a punishment for the residents who now struggle with a diminished sense of identity and purpose. He lamented that while other states in India are advocating for special status, Jammu & Kashmir has not only lost its unique status but has been subjected to a downgrade in governance.
Highlighting the socio-economic challenges faced by the region, Mr. Sharma particularly addressed the issue of unemployment among the youth. He stressed the necessity of reserving employment opportunities exclusively for the youth of Jammu & Kashmir to ensure their economic security. Citing the limited job prospects in the region, he argued against outsiders filling positions meant for local residents.
Furthermore, Mr. Sharma underscored the critical need for a Land Security Bill to protect the scarce land resources of Jammu & Kashmir for the benefit of its inhabitants. He expressed concern that without such legislation, there is a risk of exploitation and deprivation of land rights for the local population.
Dr. Kuldeep Sharma, chief spokesperson of the Jammu Province Bachao Manch, announced a forthcoming tribute program scheduled for Monday at KL Sehgal Hall, Abhinav Theater. The event aims to honor the sacrifices of martyrs who laid down their lives for the security and integrity of the nation. Dr. Sharma emphasized that the JPBM would use this occasion to urge the government to provide comprehensive support to the families of these martyrs.
The press conference resonated with a strong call for action, urging the authorities to heed the demands of the people of Jammu & Kashmir and restore their statehood promptly. It underscored JPBM's unwavering commitment to advocating for the rights, dignity, and prosperity of the region's residents. The other dignatory at the press meet as: Retd. Session Judge KYS Manhas, K. Baldev Singh Ji, S. Kamal Preet Singh Ji, Sh. Devinder Singh Ji, Sh. Ashwani Sharma Ji, Sh. Kailash Nath Ji, and Sh. Rakesh Singh ji, Dr. Parveen Nagar Ji, Sh. Tandav Dutt Ji express their views at the Meet.
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