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Chairman/CEC, LAHDC Leh reviews and discuss the District Capex Budget

Leh, July 26 (Scoop News)- Chairman/CEC, LAHDC Leh, Tashi Gyalson convened a meeting to review and discuss the District Capex Budget in the conference hall of SDM Khaltse on July 25.
H’CEC reviewed the line wise progress of all the developmental works assigned to the concerned departments as well as executing agencies. The primary focus of the meeting was to formulate the annual plan and review the physical status of sectors and schemes within the district.
Taking strict note of the status of incomplete projects, CEC Gyalson directed all the HoDs to expedite their works and their financial expenditure well on time.
The meeting was attended by Hon’ble Councilllor, Khaltse; SDM Khaltse; BDO Khaltse; Xen PDD; Xen RDD; JE PHE, PwD, and all the sub-divisional officials from departments of Cooperative, Information, Wildlife, Education, Health, Forest and Agriculture.

Leh, July 26 (Scoop News)- Chairman/CEC, LAHDC Leh, Tashi Gyalson convened a meeting to review and discuss the District Capex Budget in the conference hall of SDM Khaltse on July 25.
H’CEC reviewed the line wise progress of all the developmental works assigned to the concerned departments as well as executing agencies. The primary focus of the meeting was to formulate the annual plan and review the physical status of sectors and schemes within the district.
Taking strict note of the status of incomplete projects, CEC Gyalson directed all the HoDs to expedite their works and their financial expenditure well on time.
The meeting was attended by Hon’ble Councilllor, Khaltse; SDM Khaltse; BDO Khaltse; Xen PDD; Xen RDD; JE PHE, PwD, and all the sub-divisional officials from departments of Cooperative, Information, Wildlife, Education, Health, Forest and Agriculture.

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