Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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No any leader of BJP govt. ever chosen to visit Hindu victim of terrorism in J&K:PK | | Jammu,August 01 (Scoop News)-Panun Kashmir today said that no any leader of BJP government in Jammu and Kashmir has ever chosen to visit a Hindu victim of terrorism. What strategic or tactical perspective has this approach served for BJP government or the BJP party? It has only helped in the process of cancelling the state and political establishment for those segments of population which are direct targets of terrorism. What else can nourish the ecosystem of terrorism more than this approach ?
Punun Kashmir leaders under the leadership of its Chairman Dr Ajay Chrungoo today in a press conference urged the Government of India (GoI) to have a serious look at its own political and strategic perspectives about the separatist terrorist war in Jammu and Kashmir and immediately shun those formulations and approaches that help in the making of ecosystem of support for terrorism and separatism in Jammu and Kashmir. Leaders said that it is true Pakistan is involved in the campaign of internal subversion but it is also true that many aspects of the outlook of GoI create conducive space for this internal subversion to flourish.
They told reporters that Government of India has consistently denied the genocide perpetrated on Hindus of Kashmir and persisted calling religious cleansing of Hindus from Kashmir as migration. What can be a better support to the genocidal terrorist establishment than this willful act of GoI? What messages has this Denial communicated to terrorist Jihadi establishment?
They stated that the message is glaringly clear that GoI’s strategic and political outlook thinks it prudent to ignore the grave crimes against humanity committed against Hindus in Jammu and Kashmir.
When GoI India devised the employment policy for Hindus displaced from Kashmir it made it such that it was remotely a policy of Employment and predominantly a policy of hostaging destitute Hindus to a Muslim communal order so that a cosmetic secular texture is imparted to it. In this policy employees are not employees but have become a captured mass of enslaved Humans who can be used to pretend normalcy and shield the government from taking the required actions on ground.
GoI decided to look towards the other side when Muslim demographic invasion of Jammu was launched. BJP government which initially earned political support for opposing the demographic assault of Jammu chose to follow its predecessors when it came to power. It in fact went a step ahead by conferring national awards on those political leaders that facilitated demographic invasion and created laws to legalise the fraudulent grab of lands and properties. Ecosystem of terrorist separatism will only grow when government is seen nourishing the leaders of demographic and subversive machinations.
The strategic wisdom of GoI made it to ignore the simmering lava of terrorism inside. GoI time and again declared victory against terrorism when terrorists were only spreading their tentacles all across. GoI deployed statistical jargon to prove that situation was improving while terrorists continued to consolidate their hold inside the jungles of Jammu.
Government of India continues to ignore the incidents of fire to which specifically Hindu houses and temples have been subjected to in Kashmir very recently. BJP government driven by its strategic calculations chose to close its eyes to two complete and successful religious cleansing cycles inflicted on the remnants of Hindu population in Kashmir and instead chose to ride the back of tourism with hope to win the battle against terrorism.
GoI has not understood the message when pilgrim tourists to Shiva Khori in Jammu were attacked and continues with its tourist policy while countries like USA have issued advisories for its citizens to avoid visiting Jammu and Kashmir. The dangers to all types of tourists are not hidden and are not subtle to escape common sense. But BJP government ignores them and is invariably giving message of its strategic mediocrity to the entrenched separatist establishment. This establishment continues to become richer and richer and more influential to widen and deepen the reach of the ecosystem of subversion.
Panun Kashmir urges GoI to look into its own policy structures which have been useful to terrorists including its latest suicidal manoeuvres to befriend Jammat-I-Islami.
Panun Kashmir recognised the reality that Ecosystem of separatist terrorism gets help from outside. Panun Kashmir also recognises the bitter truth that this ecosystem has germinated by getting nourishment from policies and persons existing inside. This internal component needs to be destroyed as a foremost imperative. ... |
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