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To keep body healthy, consume nutritious food :Dr. Chanchal Sharma
Doing these 5 things after eating can have a bad effect on the digestive system

Jammu, August 01 (Scoop News)- “A healthy soul resides in a healthy body.” This statement of Swami Vivekananda seems absolutely correct and important. It is very important for any person to stay healthy. To keep the body healthy, many things have to be taken care of, in which the role of food and lifestyle is very important. Therefore, what type of food you eat throughout the day, how much workout you do, what is your mental state, the effect of all these things is visible on your body.

Asha Ayurveda director and gynecologist Dr. Chanchal Sharma says in this regard that it is important to consume nutritious food to stay healthy. The matter is not limited only to eating food, but what you do before eating and what you do after eating also affects your body. Here we will learn about those rules which are related to eating food.

Do not drink water immediately after eating: Experts believe that drinking water immediately after eating slows down your digestion. Therefore, you should not drink cold water or too much water immediately after eating. You can drink 2 to 3 sips of water after eating, it clears your food pipe.

Do not do too much exercise: You should not go to the gym or do heavy exercise immediately after eating. Especially the exercise which involves bending down, twisting etc. because in such a situation, the blood flow which should have been used to digest the food starts going to your muscles. Therefore, it is said that one should do heavy exercise only after 2 hours of eating.

Avoid lying down immediately after eating: Lying down after eating slows down the digestion process and heartburn can also occur due to acid formation. Therefore, try to always go to bed only after 2 hours of eating.

Do not consume too much fruits: Everyone knows that eating fruits is good for your health but there is a right time to eat them. Fruits have a high amount of fiber, so eating too much fruits after meals is prohibited because when fruits mix with food inside the stomach, fermentation can occur. Therefore, you should eat fruits either in breakfast or 1-2 hours after meals.

Do not consume tea or coffee: Many people have a habit of consuming tea, coffee or alcohol etc. after meals, but doing so can be harmful for your health, so do not repeat this mistake again and again. Because consuming these beverages after meals slows down your digestive system.

There are many things that you would like to do after eating and may have been a part of your habit for a long time, but it can be harmful for your health. So try to avoid such habits.
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