Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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If you eat this, you will not need to diet to lose weight after pregnancy-

By Dr. Chanchal Sharma

Every woman gains weight during pregnancy, but it is not possible for everyone to reduce the increased weight after delivery along with the responsibility of the child. Therefore, many women become very worried about their obesity after pregnancy. When a woman becomes a mother, along with responsibilities, there are many changes in her body, which also includes hormonal changes. In such a situation, losing weight becomes a challenge. For women who exercise regularly, losing weight is still easier than other women. But for women who have delivery through surgery, this problem becomes more serious.

Asha Ayurveda director and gynecologist Dr. Chanchal Sharma tells in this regard that women who have delivery through surgery should not do any intense exercise for 6 months. Due to lack of exercise, it becomes even more difficult to reduce belly fat after pregnancy, but there are some effective home remedies by adopting which you can reduce your weight.

Home remedies to lose weight after pregnancy

Drink celery water: You must have seen that women are often given celery water to drink after having a child. If you look at it from the point of view of taste, then you may not like celery water, but once you know its benefits, you will definitely drink it. Celery water should be drunk regularly because it reduces your increased fat. Boil celery with water for a while and then filter it and fill it in a bottle. Now consume this water throughout the day. By doing this, you will lose weight. After 2 months of pregnancy, you can change the way of consuming it and leave the celery soaked in water overnight. In the morning, filter it and consume it on an empty stomach. This will reduce your weight.

Drink green tea:

Women who want to lose weight after pregnancy should definitely include antioxidant-rich green tea in their diet. This green tea will help you lose weight. You can also replace green tea with your milk tea or coffee. The right time to consume it is before meals. It increases your metabolism. Avoid sweet things like sugar or honey with green tea and then see how it reduces weight by increasing the glow of your skin.

Cloves and cinnamon:

Cinnamon and cloves prove to be very helpful in reducing your increased weight. Boil 2-3 cloves with a piece of cinnamon and water and filter it and drink it every morning. By doing this, your belly fat will be reduced.

Raisins and almonds:

Almonds and raisins are considered a good source of fiber, so regular consumption of it can also reduce your weight. You should regularly include 10 almonds and 10 raisins in your diet. Those who have had a normal delivery can consume it after a few days but those who have had a surgical delivery should consult a doctor once before consuming it.

Nutmeg milk: Women who want to lose weight after pregnancy should definitely consume nutmeg milk because this home remedy proves to be very effective in reducing your weight. For good results, mix a quarter teaspoon of nutmeg in a cup of hot milk and drink it every night before sleeping.

(The writer is a Doctor at Aasha Ayurveda)

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