Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Adopt these habits in pregnancy for normal delivery

Dr. Chanchal Sharma

The speed at which people's lives are changing in the modern race can sometimes be harmful. In such a situation, you can take care of your and your family's health by adopting home remedies. The best thing about them is that they do not have any side effects and if we talk about reports, ignoring some habits during pregnancy can lead to your delivery going from normal to cesarean. While earlier most pregnant women used to give birth to children through normal delivery, now the number of cesarean has increased to a great extent compared to earlier.

Asha Ayurveda's director and gynecologist Dr. Chanchal Sharma says that an important factor behind the increasing number of cesarean deliveries is the decrease in physical labor. For this, you can improve your habits at home by changing them. Some of those tips are as follows:

Decreasing physical labor can be a responsible factor for cesarean delivery

According to a research, most of the women who have normal delivery are those who are not very active during their pregnancy. In such a situation, your flexibility starts decreasing and body weight increases. Your diet is also responsible for increasing weight. If your diet does not include proper amount of nutrients and you are eating unhealthy food outside, then your weight increases rapidly and due to this you have to face problems in normal delivery and then the doctor suggests you to give birth to a child through cesarean.

Why is a cesarean delivery needed?

In today's busy lifestyle, people are getting various types of diseases. This includes your diet, being less physically active, taking more stress. The effect of all these can also be seen on a woman's pregnancy. Caesarean delivery has become a common thing these days because some or the other complication comes up in pregnancy due to which normal delivery becomes difficult. It is also called a major operation in common parlance. Whenever there is any risk involved for the unborn child or the pregnant woman, then Caesarean delivery is required.

If you want a normal delivery, then it is important to be physically active

Experts believe that any pregnant woman should do exercise or stretching daily during pregnancy. Women who have any problem in exercising can walk regularly for 30 minutes. Regular exercise keeps your posture correct and also reduces stress. Due to which your health remains good and you are ready for normal delivery. In earlier times, women used to operate a grinder and do other household chores, due to which they used to get a workout. Now since women are not so active, they need special care during pregnancy.

What things should be taken care of for a normal delivery?

Dr. Chanchal Sharma says that often women want their delivery to be normal but when this does not happen due to some reason, they get very disappointed. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to consume nutritious food during pregnancy, remain physically active, take less stress and do not let their body get dehydrated. Keep getting checkups done from time to time and consult a doctor to find out your condition.

(The writer is a Doctor at Aasha Ayurveda)

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