Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Tribute to Shri H.N. Jattu :A Prominent Kashmiri Pandit leader

By Rajinder Premi

Some are born with God given extra- ordinary abilities, creative acumen and talent who buy virtue of such sublime qualities give the world a new direction. These people look and behave as ordinary citizens but their intellect and sensibilities make them towering, to carve out a niche for themselves and make an everlasting impact, thus leaving behind a great legacy.
Mr. H.N Jattu was one such legendary soul.

Sri Jattu was a born Kashmiri pandit leader, who lived a mixed life. Joined Indian army for a brief stinct. He was born on 20th October, 1936 at Ganpath- Yaar, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. He did his matriculation from local high school but later on established his own business in his locality.

He was also the president of a famous Ganesh mandir committee (Ganpath Yaar).
Mr. Jattu was the founder-president of all India Kashmiri pandit conference (AIKPC).
Jattu’s leadership was marred by bold decisions. In 1989-90 ,when KPs lost its leaders to the militncy ,Jattu only in a press conference in Srinagar raised an alarm about the growing threats to KPs by the terrorists. The valley was already in the Tinder box and his warnings though persistently were largely unheard. His General Secretary of the AIKPC, Sri Ashok Qazi was martyred by the terrorists in response/reaction to Mr. Jattu’s question to these subversive elements. Soon this dastard killing like many others, Jattu was also forced to leave Kashmir, its departure fought with courage. When Jattu landed in Jammu ,he gave a call for second migration form Jammu to Delhi called “Delhi Chalo”. This was due to the hostility towards migrant KPs in Jammu region then. During this period his trusted colleague Sri J.N. Saproo ousted him from the presidentship of AIKPC, when Jattu migrated from Jammu to Delhi.

In Delhi, during this period, Delhi administration was under the process of allotting the camps to Kashmiri migrants stationed in Delhi. Jattu took shelter in Aliganj (Lodhi road), NDMC camp.
He started his business in ready-made garments in Yousuf-Sarai migrant-market, where many other migrants were also allotted Tehbazaari- sites by NDMC/MCD under Delhi administration then. Although he stayed in Delhi but was not cut- off from his caders in Jammu.
Although (retired) Major General B.N. Dhar, his chief adviser and top admirer as well as his well wisher offered him to revive his own outfit and also persuaded him to come back to Jammu as they felt a vacuum in the their leadership at Jammu. During his stay in Delhi, Jattu was given a due place in AIKS and was made vice-president by Sri J.N. Kaul and M.K. kaw also. He
attended all AIKS meetings and regional conferences held at
Jammu, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and other places where he advanced and advocated fiercely the cause of displaced community. He would always be a member of any delegation that met the central Government for lessening the hardships of the exiled community. He was also a member of the AIKS delegation with us, which met then prime -minster, Dr. Manmohan Singh, Home minister- Shivraj Patil and other ministers under Sri M.K. kaw’s stewardship, besides all party joint delegation of All India KP Organisations meeting with the members of the parliamentary standing committee of Ministry of home, on rehabilitation of Kashmiri migrants. He also accompanied us in an AIKS delegation which had few regular meetings with the interlocutors, on Kashmir appointed by GOI and also the inter ministerial committee constituted by PM and headed by Ms Sushma Chaudhry,IAS, then secretary planning commission.

I have known Jattu saheb since 1993, when we met in Jammu during a meeting in Jambulaochan Hall. This was my first meeting with him and other front -line leaders, then like late Smt Kaushalya wali then-president KP Sabha, Jammu; Late Makhan-lal Aima, the chief of the migrant-action committee (maha- Samelen); late Amarnath Vaishnavi, ASKPC, Pandit D.K. Babu of Devasthan Suraksha Samiti; late B.N. Bhan, Nisar- Delhvi; editor Kashyap Wani; late T.N. Khosa; P. N. Karnail; R.C.Shivpuri; H.L. Chatta; P.N. Tingloo and many more stalwarts.
May peace be on all of them.

I had heard about Mr. H.N. Jattu first time in 1967 when he had taken a very active part during KP agitation in Parmishari case, I had then wished to see this great leader, as my illustrious father had then narrated the details of the agitation as he himself was a part of it and a live- witness.

Jattu had to come back to Delhi on account of his health issues as he had suffered a heart- stroke in Jammu in 2009, he had built/ constructed his own house in Gol-Gujral area of Jammu by then.

When AIKS under Sri M.K. Caw finally decided to file a writ petition in supreme court of India in 2006 on my persistent persuasion and there was a marathon discussion after few meetings with some of our front line affiliates as to who could be the effective principal petitioners in the case, with prolonged deliberations, discussions and executive meetings the final authority was given to Mr. kaw to pick up the three petitioners besides me (Rajinder Premi) as I had from the very beginning persuaded the former AIKS president’s Papa ji, who was not interested in a legal fight for restoration
of justice for the exile community, although after seeing my prepared dummy petition by few legal luminaries, they advised late papa ji to move with this petition. Shri Kaw appreciating my active interest in judicial activism and active active enthusiasm with this dream project, named me as petitioner no.1 and Mr. Jattu as petitioner no.2. I was tasked with bringing around Mr. Jattu as he was nominated in absentia. Somehow I persuaded Jattu saheb and finally he agreed to my arguments on this issue with the condition of including Mr. Kaw himself as a one of the petitioners. When I reported back to president kaw on this issue, conveying Jattu’s consent and the condition he immediately agreed with the proposal. Petition was filed and every apprehensions of some
of our esteemed friends were removed, when honourable supreme court of India admitted our petition and issued notices to the union of India and J&K Government.

Jattu saheb passed away at his residence in Green- fields, Colony, Faridabad on 3/9/2024 morning, after a brief illness. With his passing away an era coming to an end. A leader who staddled the pre and post migration worlds of Kashmiri pandits, Jattu was no stranger to controversies. He sometimes faced opposition both within his own community and from outside also but he remained steadfast in his convictions. He was well known for his unwavering dedication and his fierce advocacy for rights of
exiled community, leaves behind a legacy of resilience, activism and compassion.

Jattu’s contribution to the KP community can never be
forgotten. A formidable leader, who played a significant and a key role in several significant moments, including the one historic Parmeshori agitation of 1967. He was instrumental and in advancing the cause of exiled KP community and his relentless efforts also facilitated the establishment of business in and around Delhi providing livelihood opportunities to countless members of this community. A firebrand leader Jattu lead the community struggle in exile also from the front.
Although I participated with couple of my other friends in his shrandhanjali Sabha at his residence organised by the family, where I volunteered to pay my homage, tributes and shrandhanjali to my elder senior friend on 8th of September,2024 yet I wanted to write a tribute in black and white also.
Peace be upon you- .Om shanti.

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