Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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Bailey Bridge at Sheikhpora-Trenz opened for Traffic
Repair work completed within 10 days time
Shopian, October 09 (Scoop News)-The damaged Bailey Bridge at Sheikhpora-Trenz, which was under repairs has been fully restored and reopened for traffic today, bringing significant relief to local commuters.

The Project Construction Division (PC Division-I), Srinagar, carried out the restoration work following the intervention of Deputy Commissioner Shopian, Mohammad Shahid Saleem Dar, who had taken the matter up with the Chief Engineer, R&B, Kashmir during his visit on September 30.

DC expressed satisfaction with the timely completion of the Sheikhpora-Trenz Bridge repairs which will ensure uninterrupted traffic movement and improved connectivity for the people commuting on the road.

The DC also took review of the new truss bridge being constructed at the site across the river and stressed upon Ex. Engineer PWD (R&B) Zainapora to comply with the completion deadline.

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