Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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DECC Leh organizes awareness program on NCS in Schools of Nyoma and Durbuk Subdivisions

Leh, October 14 (Scoop News)-The District Employment and Counselling Centre, Leh, conducted an informative awareness program on the National Career Service (NCS) Programme, an initiative of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. The sessions were held at Higher Secondary Schools in Nyoma and Durbuk Subdivisions, as well as at High School Chushool from 9th to 12th October, 2024. The program aimed to educate students about the various career-oriented services available through the NCS platform.

During the awareness sessions, students were introduced to key resources such as career guidance, counselling services, psychometric tests, and valuable information on scholarships and student loans. These services are designed to support students in making informed decisions about their future careers.

The NCS portal is a comprehensive career service platform that serves as a bridge between job seekers, students, employers, and skill providers. It offers a range of services including job search, career counselling, and information on skill development programs, empowering users to build successful career paths.

In addition to the sessions, students were provided with NCS information pamphlets, outlining the various benefits available to them through the portal. These pamphlets emphasized the ease with which students can access important career resources, apply for scholarships, and explore a wide range of career options.

The program was well-received by students and faculty, marking a significant step in enhancing career awareness and preparedness among students in these remote areas.
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