Friday, October 18, 2024
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Health and Family Welfare Department, Leh Celebrates International Day of Older Persons 2024
Theme: "Ageing with Dignity: Strengthening Care and Support Systems for Older Persons Worldwide"

Leh, October 16 (Scoop News)- The Health and Family Welfare Department, Leh, under the National Programme for Health Care of the Elderly (NPHCE), celebrated the International Day of Older Persons at Sonam Norboo Memorial (SNM) Hospital. The event focused on the theme “Ageing with Dignity” and included a multispeciality health camp providing senior citizens with essential medical care.

Medical Superintendent, SNM Hospital Leh Dr. Rigzin Chosdon, opened the event with a welcome address, acknowledging the elderly for their cultural contributions and stressing the importance of addressing their health and mental well-being.

Psychiatrist & De- Addiction Specialist, SNM Hospital Leh, Dr. Tashi Tundup, highlighted the significance of Elderly Month and encouraged senior citizens to seek support for their health concerns. He discussed common age-related issues such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, dementia, and anger management, stressing the need for regular mental health check-ups.

Chief Guest, Director of Health Services, UT Ladakh, Dr. Tashi Thinless; announced the start of a 7-day medical camp for elderly individuals at SNM Hospital, running until the end of October. The camp offers comprehensive health consultations, and all interested elderly are encouraged to attend.
The Health Department extends its gratitude to the elderly community for their wisdom and contributions, reaffirming its dedication to improving care and support for older persons.

Vote Of thanks was delivered by the District Health Officer, Leh Dr. Yangchen Dolma

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