Friday, October 18, 2024
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Lt Governor meets families of victims of terrorism

Srinagar, October 17 (Scoop News)-Lieutenant Governor Shri Manoj Sinha today met the family members of victims of terrorism from across North, Central and South Kashmir, at Raj Bhawan.

The family members whose loved ones were brutally killed by various terrorist groups in the past narrated the horrific incidents and sought the intervention of Lt Governor for resolution of their long pending issues.

Paying homage to the martyred civilians, the Lt Governor assured every necessary support and assistance to the families who despite suffering immense personal loss, hardships and pain, were excluded from mainstream of development for several decades.

“Instead of compassion and support, the terrorism-affected families were marginalized, and their voices went unheard. I will try my best to ensure justice, welfare and rehabilitation of these families,” the Lt Governor said.

The Lt Governor said the security forces and J&K Police is determined to dismantle terror ecosystem.

Our security forces and J&K police is committed to completely neutralise terror groups and terror ecosystem sponsored by the neighbouring country. At the same time, we will ensure that families targeted by terrorists and who were left behind are provided with all the assistance, support and their rights are protected, he said.
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