Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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CEC Kargil flags off 12 girl students for specialized Horse Riding and Polo Training in Delhi

Kargil,October 19 (Scoop News)- Chairman/Chief Executive Councillor (CEC), LAHDC, Kargil, Dr. Mohd Jaffer Akhoon, today flagged off a group of 12 girl students selected from different schools of Kargil for specialized training in horse riding and polo to be conducted by esteemed guards of the President of India in Delhi.

The flag-off ceremony took place at Council Secretariat Kargil, in presence of Deputy Commissioner/CEO, LAHDC, Kargil, Shrikant Balasaheb Suse, Joint Director, Sports, Tohir Hussain, Chief Education Officer, SD Namgial, PET, and other dignitaries.

In his address, CEC thanked Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh for his keen interest and support in making this initiative possible and facilitating such opportunities for the region’s youth.

The CEC congratulated the selected students and emphasised the importance of maintaining exemplary conduct, as they will represent Kargil during their time in Delhi.

He described it as a golden opportunity for the girl students to develop new skills and advised them to make the most of this experience. Dr Akhoon also instructed the accompanying PET to arrange visits to historical sites in Delhi.

Deputy Commissioner Kargil highlighted the rigorous selection process and acknowledged the hard work that went into identifying the best candidates. He advised the students to be punctual, disciplined, and dedicated throughout their training, encouraging them to share their newfound knowledge with others upon their return.

Joint Director, Sports, Tohir Hussain, reiterated the department’s commitment to supporting the students during their training period and extended his best wishes to the entire group.

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