Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Shutdown for 33 KV Kupwara Old, HOT & MES Line rescheduled
Also shutdown of 33KV Cheshmashahi-Brein-Nishat-Shalimar-Harwan Line; 33KV Wanganpora-Soura line stands cancelled

Srinagar, October 21 (Scoop News)-The office of Chief Engineer, Distribution, KPDCL, today announced revised schedule of shutdown for 33 KV Kupwara Old, HOT and MES Line.

As per the schedule, in order to carry out branch cutting/ repairing/ maintenance work of sub-division Kupwara, the shutdown of 132/33KV Arampora Grid Station shall be observed due to which 33/11KV Receiving Stations at Krusen, Sogam, Machil, Khumriyal, Tikker, Galizoo, Drugmulla and MES shall remain off on 24 October from 10:00 am to 04:00 pm instead of 19th October, while power supply to the Krusen, Sogam, Machil, Khumriyal, Tikker, Galizoo, Drugmulla and MES shall remain affected.

Meanwhile in a separate communication, the Chief Engineer, Distribution, KPDCL office has informed cancellation of shutdown of 33KV Cheshmashahi-Brein-Nishat-Shalimar-Harwan Line, which was scheduled for shutdown on 24th October, 2024.

Also, the shutdown of 33KV Wanganpora-Soura line which was scheduled on 22nd October, 2024 has been cancelled.

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