Tuesday, October 22, 2024
 News Details
Power Shutdown

Srinagar, October 21 (Scoop News)- According to the Chief Engineer, Distribution, KPDCL, in order to carry out branch cutting, the shutdown of 33KV Nehalpora-Markundal line shall be observed due to which 33/11KV Receiving Stations at Markundal, Naidkhai, Shahgund and Aglar shall remain off, while power supply to the Markundal, Naidkhai, Sumbal, Chandangeer, Ankhul and Gandboon areas shall remain affected on 23 & 27 October from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm.

Also, to carry out clearance of TTIC punch points of pending works like CT replacement of line bay, installation of arcing horns of Ptr, gantries lights installation, and 11KV isolator interlocking, the shutdown of 33KV Chadoora Panzan line shall be observed due to which 33/11KV Receiving Station at Panzan shall remain off while power supply to the Panzan area shall remain affected from 11:00 AM to 04:00 PM on 22nd October, 2024.

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