Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Traffic Police NHW launches Special drive against use of Pressure Horn in Ramban
Ramban,October 21 (Scoop News)-Traffic Police, NHW Ramban, under the supervision of SSP (T) Rohit Baskotra have launched a special drive against traffic violators and booked 68 vehicles. Whopping Rs. 6.8 lakh fine was recovered from the violators. The aim of the special drive was to remove the pressure Horns from vehicles which is causing a great disturbance to the general public especially oldage persons, senior citizens, as well as, school going children etc.

The drivers and owners of transport Unions have been asked to remove the Pressure Horns from their vehicles and follow the traffic rules properly.

The officer also appealed the commuters to follow Traffic rules and join hands to make the roads safe for all type of road users, right from pedestrian to motorists.

The People have been appealed to come forward to complain against visible traffic violations on traffic helpline numbers-9419993745-9906023617, Toll Free Number-18001807043 & TCU Udhampur-8491928625.
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