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SDM Zanskar tours Jangchung
Zanskar,January 15 (Scoop News)-Following the snowfall and freezing temperature, Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Zanskar, Sonam Dorjay on Friday visited Jangchung after receiving the information regarding the road condition of Stodh area.

Enroute, he found that ice sheet formatted on many streams including at Chortain, Khorloo, Skyagam, Lungmoor, Khushul Akshow Nallah.

At Skyagam stream, the ice sheet was around 200 metres stretch and was very difficult for vehicular movement.

SDM Zanskar directed the NHIDCL and Mechanical Division Zanskar to remove the ice sheet and make necessary arrangements to discharge the blocked water by deploying machine and spreading of soils on the ices.

He also directed the PWD Department to deploy two casual labours at every spot of ice formatted area to look after the channels for smooth flow of water.

SDM Zanskar himself monitored the channeling at Skyagam stream and through the vehicular movements.

NHIDCL GE Site Office Padum, JE Mechanical and representative of PWD Zanskar also accompanied the SDM during the tour.

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