Thursday, September 19, 2024
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CS reviews developmental works in District Udhampur
E-inaugurates Upgradation of Chenani Pattangarh Road, Construction of Motorable Bridge over River Tawi
Udhampur,September 17 (Scoop News)-In order to take stock of various ongoing developmental works and flagship schemes under taken by various departments in district Udhampur, the Chief Secretary, Dr Arun Kumar Mehta today conducted an extensive tour of District Udhampur to review the progress of ongoing developmental works under CSS and other developmental programmes.
Divisional Commissioner, Jammu Ramesh Kumar, DIG Udhampur-Reasi Range, Mohammad Suleman Choudhary, Directors and Chief Engineers of various departments, SSP, Dr Vinod Kumar and other District Heads of various departments attended the meeting.
At the outset, the District Development Commissioner Udhampur, Krittika Jyotsna gave a sector wise detailed PowerPoint presentation of various ongoing developmental works, flagship schemes being executed by different departments in the district. She also briefed the about the progress of mega projects including Pollution Abatement of Holy River Devika, Yoga International Convention Centre Mantalai, Chenani Sudhmahadev road(NH-244). NH-44, Udhampur to Chenani, Integrated Development of Tourist Facilities at Mantalai and Sudhmahadev etc.
The Chief Secretary took comprehensive review of district Capex budget 2021-22 & 2022-23, Financial/ physical progress under district Capex budget including CSS & loan, physical progress under district Capex budget 2022-23, Status of Back to Village programme and other flagship programmes besides the pace
Dr. Mehta gave directions to complete the projects with in time frame. Executing agencies were directed to expedite the progress of ongoing work of Tourist Facilitation Centre Mantalai.
The Chief Secretary directed the concerned departments to mobilize their men and machinery for effective implementation of all schemes and coverage of 100% eligible beneficiaries under all schemes and no eligible beneficiary to be left out. He directed all the officers to work in coordination for better results at the grass root level.
The Agriculture department was asked to prepare a District Agriculture and export plan and to increase the production of pulses besides Sheep Husbandry department was asked to increase mutton production in the district. FCS & CA was directed to conduct survey regarding unavailability of ration depots in different blocks of the district.
The DDC was directed to organize sports and awareness activities at gram panchayat level to motivate the youths about different income generating schemes and engage them for establishing self employment units to channelize their energy in right direction. Employment department asked to prepare the District Employment Plan and organize workshop with the support of other allied departments.
GM DIC was directed to facilitate the unemployed youth to establish their units in the district. With the objective that everybody should play he directed District Sports officers to organize games and activities at panchayat and District Level and ensure everybody participation.
Similarly RDD was asked to ensure door to door segregation of solid waste collection in rural areas with the help of PRIs.
DC was further asked to ensure rationalization of teaching staff within 30 days in the schools. It was desired that every primary school should have a kindergarden. Besides, toilets should be functional in all government schools.
While reviewing the road wise progress of PMGSY and PWD sector the Chief Secretary directed the concerned authorities to expedite the progress of work and achieve the targets set by the Government as per the timeline. He also reviewed the progress on Jal Jeevan Mission and directed for speeding up the process of its implementation.
The DDC apprised the Chief Secretary that a total of 1051 number of works were taken up during the financial year 2021-22, under (B2V3) out of which 567 have been completed so far. Directions were issued to concerned departments for identifying those works which are pending under B2V1, B2V2 and B2V3 in their respective area and complete these at earliest.
District heads of various departments apprised the Chief Secretary about the status of different schemes taken up by their respective departments and their status as on date. DDC was asked to regularly monitor all ongoing developmental works and get feedback from district officers on daily basis.
The Chief Secretary later on e-inaugurated Improvement/up gradation of Chenani Pattangarh Road Including Construction of 58 Mtr Span Steel Girder Intermediate Lane Motorable Bridge Over River Tawi and e-inauguration of construction of 45 mtr Span Motorable Bridge Kogha Pinger Bainsta on Kogha Thali Road including approach road besides laid e-Foundation of 02 numbers of Rural Haats at Block Ramnagar & Tikri.
On the occasion the Chief Secretary also interacted with BDC Chairpersons, DDC Councillors, members of Udhampur Municipal Council & Municipal Committees of Ramnagar and Chenani. During the interaction, the CS said that the main objective of holding this interaction is to assess the implementation of centrally sponsored schemes on ground and take feedback from the PRIs.
DDC Chairperson, Lal Chand, Vice Chairperson, Juhi Manhas Pathania and other BDCs, DDCs projected several issues and demands for development of their respective areas. They also submitted a memorandum of demands pertaining to the development of the district.
Dr. Mehta also interacted with members of Udhampur Municipal Council & Municipal Committees of Ramnagar and Chenani which included President MC Udhampur Dr Jogeshwar Gupta, President MC Chenani, Manik Gupta, President MC Ramnagar Banti Devi and other councilors projects several demands and issues.
A deputation of Associate Chamber of Commerce and Beopar mandal Udhampur also met with Chief Secretary and putforth their demands and issues.
The Chief Secretary gave patient hearing and assured that all the issues would be considered for their early redressal.

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