Monday, September 23, 2024
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Chairperson DDC B'la reviews implementation of ongoing developmental works in district
Baramulla, October 17 (Scoop News)-The Chairperson, District Development Council (DDC) Baramulla, Safeena Beigh who is also Chairperson, Jammu and Kashmir Haj Committee today chaired a meeting of all the concerned Officers at Dak Bungalow here to review the implementation of various developmental works being executed in the district under CAPEX works, Area Development Grants, NABARD, Convergence and other works.
On the occasion, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Baramulla, Dr Syed Sehrish Asgar apprised the chair of physical and financial status of ongoing and completed works.
After reviewing the sector wise progress, the Chairperson DDC emphasized on extra efforts for completion of all ongoing works within the stipulated time frame.
Laying emphasis on the timely completion of all projects, the Chairperson asked the executing agencies to judiciously utilize the funds and resolve bottlenecks, if any, so that benefits of developmental projects accrue to the public. Special thrust was laid on generating awareness regarding the social sector schemes for women, elderly, differently abled, orphan children, girl child, SC, ST & others.
The Chairperson also appreciated the efforts of the officers in formulation and implementation of the plan and urged upon the officers to work with added dedication and honesty.
Joint Director Planning, M.Yosuf Rather; Assistant Commissioner Development, Yaar Ali Khan; Chief Animal Husbandry Officer, Chief Agriculture Officer, Chief Medical Officer, AD Food, DSWO, Deputy Chief Education Officer besides Engineers from executing agencies were present in the meeting.

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