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Temples of Kashmir represent the five-thousand-year-old Sharda civilization:PNBMT
Prem Nath Bhat Memorial Trust organizes an intellectual meet in Jammu
Jammu, July 09 (Scoop News)-Prem Nath Bhat Memorial Trust (PNBMT) organised an intellectual meet today in order to expand its knowledge resource for further growth and development. The trust since its inception has remained open to new and fresh ideas and today’s meeting was an ample demonstration of the same.
Speakers said that in today's world we should be able to create a favourable narrative that the temples of Kashmir represent the five thousand year old Sharda civilization and is a priceless heritage of not only Hindus but the entire mankind.

The meeting was presided over by High Court Judge( retd.)B.L.Bhat and those who spoke on the ocassion included Vijay Bakaya, Kuldeep Khuda, Dr.Agnishekhar, K.K.Khosa, Ajay Bharti, B.L.Bhat, Moti Lal Malla, Prof.B.L.Zutshi, Satish Kissu, B.L.Saraf, T.K.Ganjoo, R.K.Ganjoo, M.K.Bangroo and Prof.Sadhu.
The prominent who were present on the ocassion included H.L.Bhat, Kashmiri Lal,C.P.Koul,Kanwar Bhat, M.K.Raina, Raj Nath Bhat, Shadi Lal Koul and Ashok Kangan.
The speakers were unanimous in their opinion that as a result of the struggle of PNBMT a renewed level of consciousness was generated in the community and people from all over the world got connected to the temple cause in Kashmir.
The speakers said that although the temples bill was not passed yet but its dividends have begun to yield results. The temple committees at the district levels in Kashmir have begun to work with renewed confidence and have started undertaking some repair and developmental works, which is highly encouraging. Many examples were given where the proactive approach of the trust could prevent the misappropriation of the temple properties and the recent being that of the temple land at Bemina Colony Srinagar which was retrieved through administrative action.
Some members expressed opinion that as a result of the struggle of the PNBMT trust the bill has reached the political stage and we must reach out to the highest political leadership in the country for the passage of the temples and shrines bill. As of now there is no assembly in the UT so the bill has to be passed by the parliament.

The members eulogised the supreme sacrifice of Pt.Prem Nath Bhat and said that his martyrdom would continue to inspire the coming generations of Kashmiri Pandits and all nationalist Indians towards the goal of the preservation protection and reclamation of the temples in Kashmir. They said that the best confidence building measure for the return and rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir would be the passage of the Temples and Shrines Bill.
The welcome address was read by the Secretary of the trust Sundri Lal Koul.
The programme was conducted by the President PK and senior member of the Trust Virender Raina who invited the members present on the ocassion to provide actionable plans and fresh doable ideas to take the Temple Bill struggle forward.
Chairman C.L.Pandita presented the vote of thanks.
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