Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Army Goodwill School at Hajin win Atal Tinkering Laboratories Award
Srinagar, September 01 (Scoop News)-Army Goodwill School at Hajin in north Kashmir has won the Atal Tinkering Laboratories (ATL) School of the Month Award.

Atal Tinkering Laboratories are part of the Atal Innovation Mission of the Government of India. These have been established in schools across India. The objective of Atal Innovation Mission is to foster curiosity, creativity, and imagination in young minds; and inculcate skills such as design mindset, computational thinking, adaptive learning, physical computing etc.

Atal Tinkering Laboratory (ATL) has awarded Army Goodwill School, Hajin, for the exceptional projects that the school students have been working on.

The Innovation Club students of Army Goodwill School Hajin have been taking the projects to the next level. The students have worked on highly interesting projects like a talking periodic table, a workout detector, audio aided organ detector and many other projects.

The Atal Tinkering Laboratory Project recognized the active participation and the freshness of the projects. On account of this, Army Goodwill School, Hajin, was decorated with the coveted honour.

This national level recognition has further motivated the students to come up with more working models of projects and set their aim to do well in Inspire MANAK Awards as well.

The Inspire Awards are an initiative of MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspirations and Knowledge), being executed by the Department of Science and Technology and National Innovation Foundation, India.

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