Sunday, September 15, 2024
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Janmashtami celebrated with religious fervor at Ganderbal
After gap of 34 years Shoba Yatra taken out at Nunner
Ganderbal, September 07 (Scoop News)-Janmashtami was today celebrated with religious fervor and gaiety in Ganderbal.

On this occasion, an impressive Shoba Yatra, as part of the traditional celebrations was taken out after a gap of 34 years by the local Pandit devotees from historic Bedeshwar Mahadev Temple Nunnar which culminated at Devraj Temple Chapergund Wayil peacefully.

The devotees including men and women besides children were part of the procession who were chanting religious prayers throughout the procession journey. Both the temples wore a festive look as they were beautifully decorated with flowers and lights.

The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Ganderbal, Shyambir also participated in the Shoba Yatra and paid obeisance at the temple. He interacted with the devotees and extended his greetings on the auspicious occasion of Janmashtami.

Meanwhile, Chairperson District Development Council Ganderbal, Nuzhat Ishfaq; SSP Ganderbal, Nikhil Borkar; ADDC Ganderbal, Mushtaq Ahmad Simnani and local PRIs also participated in Shoba Yatra and extended their greeting to the local pandits.

The Pandit brothers on this occasion expressed their gratitude towards the district administration and local community for their support.

Pertinently, foolproof arrangements were put in place by the district administration and police for the successful celebration of Janmashtami festival and Shoba Yatra.

On this occasion, several NGOs, Civil Societies, police and locals greeted the local pandits and offered sweets, water and fruits among the devotees, displaying the social fabric of the Ganderbal.

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