Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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SWD organises Nukkad Natak to spread awareness on Corruption-Free J&K campaign
Udhampur,September 09 (Scoop News)- An impactful awareness campaign was meticulously organized by the Social Welfare Department in Udhampur, focusing on the aspiration for a Corruption-Free Jammu and Kashmir. The event took place in the Conference Hall of the Deputy Commissioner office.

The event was attended by Deputy Commissioner Udhampur, Saloni Rai, and Additional Deputy Commissioner Joginder Singh Jasrotia, who both lent their support to this noble cause.

The enthusiastic audience comprised Sarpanches, Panches, and employees from different government departments.

The talented Nukkad Natak artists, the renowned duo Satya and Rishi, delivered a powerful message to the general public, urging them to unite against corruption. They also promoted the utilization of the online services and schemes initiated by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir. In addition, the artists shed light on other welfare schemes offered by the Department of Social Welfare, including "Beti Bachao Beti Padhao."

Dr. Ranjeet Singh Kotwal; ACD Udhampur, Ashok Sharma; Xen Jal Shakti Udhampur Division and Kanika Gupta, District Social Welfare Officer Udhampur, along with several other dedicated officers and participants witnessed the event.

This event marked a significant step towards fostering awareness, unity, and the collective resolve to combat corruption, making Jammu and Kashmir a model of transparency and progress.

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