Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Apni Party gears up membership drive in Doda
Doda, September 10 (Scoop News)-Apni Party has geared up its membership drive in Doda with a motive to strengthen the party cadre at grass root level in the hilly district.

As per a press release, a meeting was organized by the district committee members in Doda at their office in Doda City. The meeting was chaired by Provincial Secretary, and In-charge membership, Dr Rohit Gupta alongwith State Secretary, Mohinder Parihar and District President Doda, Saleem Magrey.

The meeting was also attended by Sheikh Mohammed Shafi, Adil sahab, and other leaders of the party.

During the meeting, the participants discussed the policy and agenda of the party that is being implemented and people are being educated about the developmental policies of the Apni Party.

In this meeting, the district committee informed about their membership drive, and door to door campaign that has been launched across the Doda District.

Dr Rohit Gupta reviewed the party’s working alongwith Mohinder Parihar and District President Doda, Saleem Magrey during a threadbare discussion.

In his address, Dr Gupta stressed on strengthening the party by educating the people about the policy and programmes of the party. “The party is committed for upliftment of the people of all regions equally,” he added.

Similarly, Mohinder Parihar also asked about the strengthening and streamlining of the party in the district.

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