Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Vipul Bali urges PM to release Rs 25 lakh package in favour of refugees of J&K

Jammu, September 19 (Scoop News)-Apni Party Provincial President Jammu, Youth Wing, Vipul Bali today has appealed to the Prime Minister, Narendera Modi to release the pending Rs 25 lakhs financial package in favour of the refugees in Jammu and Kashmir.

In a statement to the press, Vipul Bali said that “Than Govt of India had sanctioned Rs 25 lakhs for each refugee family in J&K. However, only Rs 5.5 lakhs was released and this amount too was not provided to all the families of refugees.”

“Till date, these refugees have been desperately waiting for the release of the sanctioned financial package of Rs 25 lakhs in favour of the refugees that would be helpful for them to uplift from the present financial condition,” he said.

He said that these people work as labourers within and outside J&K. However, they faced problems because of poor financial conditions and no political representation.

He pinned hope with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi that he would announce the release of a sanctioned financial package of Rs 25 lakhs in favour of the refugees in Jammu and Kashmir.

“These refugees need political and social upliftment. They voted to power many political parties with a hope that their genuine demands would be accepted, but their condition did not change. The traditional political parties misled them with hollow slogans,” he said.

He also demanded reservation of jobs and scholarship in higher studies for the children of refugees keeping in view their existing financial situation so that their generations can be upgraded.

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