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Pavneet Kour reviews organization set-up of Apni Party
Jammu, September 29 (Scoop News)- Apni Party Provincial President Jammu, Women Wing, Pavneet Kour today reviewed expansion of the Party’s activities.

The meeting was here at the Apni Party Office in Gandhi Nagar, Jammu. While addressing the meeting, Pavneet Kour reviewed the working of the Party leaders and worked to review the ongoing door to door campaign to strengthen the roots of the party.

After taking the review, she directed the party leaders and cadre to hold meetings with the people and educate them about the policy and agenda of Apni Party.

She said that the people should be educated about the welfare schemes and aware them about the schemes provided by the Govt.

At the end, she expressed concern over the stopping of the old age pension and demanded that the pension for the old age pensioners should be resumed.

The meeting was attended by District President Jammu Women Wing, Ritu Pandita; Provincial Secretary, Sheetal Rajput; Provincial Secretary, Shekha Dogra; Provincial Secretary, Shivani Koul, Sunita Monika Gill, Shewata, Neelam Gupta and others.
Dengue Nightmare Unleashes Chaos: Wanchoo Expresses Grave Concern Over Alarming Dengue Outbreak,Urges Immediate Action

Chetan Wanchoo Vice President of BJP in Kashmir Displaced District, has voiced his deep distress and apprehension regarding the escalating dengue crisis that is plaguing the region. With an alarming surge in dengue cases and reported deaths, Chetan has taken a stand against the perceived apathy of the administration in combatting this grave public health issue.

Chetan has noted with dismay that the administration's response to the dengue outbreak appears to be lackluster and insufficient. He has pointed out that even the essential fogging operations in affected areas have been noticeably reduced compared to previous years. This negligence has resulted in tragic fatalities, casting a dark shadow over the community.

Last year, Jammu Kashmir witnessed a harrowing toll of over 16 lives lost to dengue, and this year is proving no different, with reports of additional deaths emerging from the region.
Wanchoo firmly believes that the nonchalant attitude of the administration towards this crisis is contributing to this dire situation.

In a fervent appeal, Chetan beseeches the Hon’ble LG Manoj Sinha to take immediate action. He calls upon the esteemed LG to convene an urgent meeting with the Health Department and other relevant authorities to develop a comprehensive strategy to combat the dengue outbreak. Only through coordinated efforts and proactive measures can this menacing threat to public health be adequately addressed.

Chetan and the BJP Kashmir Displaced District stand united in their commitment to safeguarding the well-being of the people. The urgency of the situation demands immediate attention, and it is hoped that the administration will respond with the gravity that this crisis warrants.

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