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Alok Kumar chairs public grievances redressal camp at Shopian
Asks officers for expeditious disposal of local issues
Shopian, October 25 (Scoop News)- Principal Secretary Education, Alok Kumar, today chaired a mega public grievances redressal camp here to take stock of issues and concerns of people of the district.

During the day long camp, hundreds of people participated and flagged off their issues before the visiting officer seeking an early redressal of the same.

Delegations including DDC Council, MC Councillors, Fruit Growers, Traders, Tribal leaders and activists, civil society members, SHG members and other groups besides PRI members projected development issues and demands of their respective areas.

These delegations raised various issues which inter alia included improving pre and post harvest management strategies in horticulture, agriculture and allied sectors, providing compensation to crop losses due to hailstorms, ensuring crop insurance, tourism promotion of spots, construction of circular road around Shopian town and flood protection bund around Fruit Mandi Shopian.

Delegations from across the district belonging to all tehsils, also asked for extending coverage of RTC bus services in major routes of the district, strengthening SHGs, enhanced water and power supply, establishment of Degree College at Hermain and mobile testing lab for pesticide testing. Besides, other issues pertained to health, school education, RDD, R&B, FCS&CA, banks, higher education and Sports Council.

Principal Secretary assured prompt response from the administration in resolving the issues projected by the participants during the camp. He also assured that demands, grievances needing resolution at higher levels shall be taken up with the concerned for appropriate action.

He instructed the officers to keep proper follow up on issues and demands of the people for timely resolution.

Deputy Commissioner, Shopian, Faz Lul Haseeb, apprised the Principal Secretary of the measures being taken up by the district administration to bridge the development gaps thus improving the progress and welfare parameters of the district.

Later, Principal Secretary chaired a meeting of officers and stressed upon them to settle the grievances of routine nature promptly for easing out the problems of the people especially pertaining to health, education water, power and rural development.

Alok Kumar also called upon the officers and officials to be responsive and compassionate towards the people always and redress their problems timely.

Director, School Education Kashmir, Tasaduq Hussain, SSP Shopian, Tanushree, ADC, Dr. Zakir Hussain Faaz, Deputy Secretaries in School Education Department, Masood Ahmad and Prince Hamid besides other district officers were present on the occasion.

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