Sunday, September 15, 2024
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DDC B'la reviews progress of Projects under KPDCL for 2023-24
Directs officers to ensure achievement of set targets for the fiscal year
Baramulla, December 14 (Scoop News)-The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Baramulla, Dr Syed Sehrish Asgar today convened a meeting of the officers of Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Limited (KPDCL) to review the financial and physical progress of the projects under District Capex, Area Development Fund/ SSY/ Aspirational District /Block.

The concerned officers of KPDCL provided a detailed division wise overview of different works being executed and presented in-depth details of the progress of developmental projects within the district for the financial year 2023-24.

At the outset, the meeting was informed that a total of 396 projects were accorded for 3 divisions of the district viz; Baramulla, Sopore and Tangmarg under District Capex Budget.

It was also given out that most of the projects have been tendered and taken up for work whereas 70% of expenditure has been achieved of the total allocated funds.

The DC also reviewed the status of work on other developmental deliverables under Area Development Fund, SSY and took a detailed appraisal from the concerned officers.

Speaking on the occasion, the DC directed the officers to ensure to meet the targeted expenditure of the funds before the end of December, 2023.

The DC further directed the officers to accomplish the targets set in the developmental plans for the 2023-24 financial year within the specified timeframe.

Chief Planning Officer, Assistant Director Planning, Superintending Engineer JKPDCL and Executive Engineers were present in the meeting.

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