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DC Doda Flags-off exposure tour of children to Jaipur and New Delhi
Doda,December 14 (Scoop News)-In a noteworthy event today, Deputy Commissioner Doda Harvinder Singh today flagged off a group of eight children for a 12-day exposure tour to Jaipur and Delhi.

The initiative falls under the "WATAN KO JANO" project, a part of the "Know Your Country" campaign launched by the J&K Rehabilitation Council. The selected participants, ranging in age from 11 to 16, represent different areas of the region.

The primary aim of the project is to provide these young minds an opportunity to visit different parts of the country, fostering social, cultural, and emotional integration. Through initiatives like "WATAN KO JANO," the J&K Rehabilitation Council seeks to bridge gaps and build connections among the youth from different states.

District Social Welfare Officer Tariq Qazi, alongside officials from the Social Welfare Department were present at the flag-off ceremony. The presence of the enthusiastic children embarking on the exposure tour added an air of excitement and anticipation to the event, emphasizing the significance of such programs in promoting a united and interconnected nation.
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